Footprints In Motion Dance Studio Policy 2023-2024


FPIM determines class placement based on the student's technique, maturity, and potential. We aim to group students in challenging classes while providing an enjoyable learning experience.

 Attendance & Time Commitment 

When you enroll in studio dance classes, your commitment level depends on the number of classes you sign up for. The more classes you choose, the greater your obligation. Like sports teams, FPIM expects its dancers to attend all practices and rehearsals. When a dancer is absent from class, they miss out on valuable instruction and practice time. This can affect their progress and ability to keep up with the rest of the class. Additionally, if the dancer is part of a group performance, their absence can disrupt the choreography and overall performance of the group. It's essential for dancers to prioritize attendance and communicate with their instructor if they need to miss a class. By doing so, they can ensure they stay on track with their training and not hold back their classmates. Dancers may miss up to three (3) unexcused absences between August and December and between January and May. If they exceed this limit, they will be expected to take private lessons to catch up with the rest of the class. The cost of these lessons is $50 per hour. *To have an excused absence, obtaining approval beforehand from either the teacher or studio director is necessary. It is important to note that these absences will still be counted towards your overall number of absences; advance notice of absence does not mean it is excused. The following are considered “excused” absences:  

  • Death in the family  

  • Scheduled school programs or performances required for credit.  

  • Wedding or religious dedication of you or a member of your family  

  • If you are seriously ill or infectious

 Dancers will watch classes in case of injury or mild illness. These same rules apply to all classes. If a dancer sustains an injury, whether dance-related or not, FPIM mandates that they obtain clearance from a doctor before returning to dance.

 Attending class on time is essential, and being late twice is considered an unexcused absence. It's also important to not miss more than six classes in a dance season. If you do, you may need to take private lessons at $50 per hour to catch up. Consistent attendance is necessary for practical training, and those who frequently miss classes may not perform as well as those who attend regularly.

 If you are aware in advance that your child(ren) will not be able to attend class, kindly log into your DSP account and mark them as absent. You may also use this method to report any anticipated absences.

 As a dancer, it's crucial that you take certain classes in combination with each other. Silks and flex/core are co-requisites, and if you have plans to take Pointe, then ballet is a must.

 Courtesy & Respect 

As an FPIM student, you are expected to maintain a high level of conduct and show respect towards your teachers. It is encouraged to uplift and support your fellow students. To ensure safety, we kindly ask that children refrain from climbing on furniture and being rowdy in the lobby. If siblings are causing a disturbance, we request that you leave the studio until they calm down. Parents mustn’t enter a classroom while a session is in progress. Additionally, all parents and dancers should wait between classes to use the restroom and change while respecting ongoing classes in the long room. Speaking ill of others, whether within or outside our premises, is unacceptable at our studio. We expect our FPIM students to treat all instructors and fellow students respectfully and kindly. A three-step disciplinary process will be implemented in the event of repeated negative or disrespectful conduct from a student. First, a meeting with the studio director will be arranged. Next, the dancer may be placed on probation, depending on the situation. Lastly, the dancer may be asked to leave the studio. If a dancer ever feels uncomfortable, they should immediately address their teacher. We pride ourselves on our dancers' positive attitudes, behavior, and support for one another.

Financial Commitment 

The tuition for FPIM dancers is determined based on the classes they are signed up for. Monthly tuition fees will be posted on your account and are due on the 1st of each month, and all months are full tuition. If you choose autopay, the payment will be charged on the first day of the month. If the first day falls on a weekend or holiday, you will be charged on the first Monday of the month or the first day the studio reopens.

 Late fees will be charged as follows: a $10 late fee will be applied after the 10th day of the month, and an additional $10 late fee will be charged after the 15th day of the month.

 Drop-outs/Dismissal from the studio: A $250 fee applies to any student who drops out or is dismissed during the dance season. No refunds will be given for anything that has been paid in.

 Private lessons are available and can be booked through DSP. Expect an additional charge to be added to your accounts per private lesson booked.

 Additional fees may apply: Extra charges may be involved, such as a $25 fee for returned checks due to insufficient funds and a 3.5% convenience fee for all credit card transactions.


Please note that even if you drop a class and a costume has been ordered, you are still responsible for paying for the costume. No refunds will be given for any purchased costumes for any reason. If you drop a class or leave the studio and your costume is not picked up by our recital, it will become the property of FPIM. If a class is canceled due to low enrollment after costumes have been purchased, we will attempt to exchange them or combine them into a class of the same style. Be aware that costume payments will be divided into three equal payments, due in September, October, and November.


To buy show tickets, it's essential to ensure that your studio accounts are current. Your account must be paid in full to be eligible to participate in the show. Every family will receive one free ticket to the end-of-year show of their choosing.

 Food and Drinks

It is crucial to note that food and beverages are strictly prohibited inside the studio. We kindly request that only water bottles be brought into the dance rooms. At the desk, you can buy water cards. If you buy ten waters, you can get the 11th one for free. Otherwise, you can purchase individual waters for $1 each. If a dancer needs a snack or dinner, please enjoy it in the lobby or outside with a parent. Your cooperation in ensuring a clean and safe environment is greatly appreciated.